South Africa Week

This year sees the launch of the inaugural South Africa Week which coincides with Freedom Day and its 20th anniversary.

Commencing on 27th April 2014, South Africa Week will provide broadcast media led opportunities for South African Tourism and other South African brands to engage with. Looking at some of the best that South Africa has to offer across this special week to help raise awareness, PR and promote involvement to facilitate cut-through and exclusivity during an incredibly competitive time for media space.

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You can't walk alone. Many have given the illusion, but none have really walked alone. Man is not made that way. Each man is bedded in his people, their history, their culture, and their values.
Peter Abrahams

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The prime goal is to alleviate suffering, and not to prolong life. And if your treatment does not alleviate suffering, but only prolongs life, that treatment should be stopped.
Christiaan Barnard

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So as a prelude whites must be made to realise that they are only human, not superior. Same with Blacks. They must be made to realise that they are also human, not inferior.
Steven Biko

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Strategy. It'll blow your mind.

Each day of the week will be a unique opportunity for a different brand(s) to raise awareness and promote South African goods and services as well as supporting South Africa as a destination to visit.

  • Creating stand-out and engaging editorial content for each South African brand as part of South Africa Week
  • Placing content in highly indexed environments for each brand's target audience
  • Augmenting South African brands as leading authorities in their chosen sectors
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Tactics. See for yourself.

We will be developing original and insightful consumer research for use in broadcast and other media. These findings will enable us to create unique content including:

  • Series of broadcast interviews and feature placements across broadcast network
  • Creation of rich media collateral for use within social media and third-party websites
  • Creation of rich media collateral for use within social media and third-party websites
  • Integrated LinkTo™ technology to deliver direct enquiries and requests from video content
  • Editorial competition mechanics to create data capture opportunities

Broadcast Approach. Checkmate.

Using the research results to craft media advisory materials for broadcast media programming/desks on the network we will produce and broadcast media directly from our Clerkenwell studios including:

  • A series of live and pre-recorded interviews using your spokespeople - radio, online (and TV where appropriate) - to deliver key messages and results from the research
  • An audio feature package to increase reach across the radio network across the week
  • WebTV Programming to be pre-sold in to 3rd party portals including lifestyle sites, specialist and travel sites and social media channels. This can also be made available 'on-demand'.
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For further information and to discuss your campaign requirements please email us or call 020 7253 8888